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Servo Direct Drive Wire Drawing Machine

Servo Direct Drive Technology (Sdt) Wire Drawing Machine Is The First One To Achieve The Connection Between Motor And Block Word-Widely, Which Has Merits In Energy Consumption, Efficiency And Maintenance, Replacing Parts Of Gearbox, Belt And Brake. It Has A Symmetrical And Integrated Design To Save Energy By 20%, Space By 50% And Maintenance By 40%. Such A Machine Has Been Applied Widely In High, Medium And Low Carbon Wire, Steel Cord Wire, Bead Wire, Steel Rope, Welding Wire, Zinc Coated Wire,

Welding Wire Drawing Machine

Welding Wire Drawing Machine Is A Complete Set Of Welding Wire Production Process Integration Equipment, From Raw Material To Wire Forming In The Same Equipment To Complete, High Degree Of Automation, The Whole Production Line Only One Person Operation, High Efficiency And Energy Saving, International Leading, Is A New Generation Of Innovative Products.

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Tel:+86 17721203637
Contact:Michael Niu(+86 17721203637)
Add:No. 69 Qianjin Road, Baipu Town, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province, Nantong, Jiangsu, China


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